Returning to Tembwe: The Road Ahead

June 21, 2023

To donors, potential donors and my most conscious friends:


We are excited to be returning to the Tembwe Village in Malawi, Africa July 22, 2023.   We will also be going to Ethiopia for the last few days of our trip to start expanding what we know the potential is to other disadvantaged areas.  


I will try to briefly outline our goals, which many of you have already heard about, and to also update you on current progress.


Educate Elevate Empower’s(E3’s) overarching purpose is to empower economically underserved areas by kickstarting economies through education and available technology. E3 isa qualified public 501(c)(3). With today’s technology and our world economy, the abject poverty in the world should not exist. While there will always be unequal economies and political powers in the world, now more than ever, the capability exists through cooperation to lift each other up and in the process make our shared world a better place.


I can assure you that all your money is going to directly to help the E3 mission and not going toward salaries or administrative costs. That is my personal pledge to you.  Thus, if you are making donations this year it could not go to abetter cause.   We go and live in the village ourselves and make sure the funding is in the right hands.


Let me explain some of the primary strategies.  The first step is electrical power.  With solar power we can provide energy sources into the schools. This gives us the ability to give the children computers and changes their education. More important, the children become interested in going to and staying in school. This is the game changer, especially for young girls and women who we are trying to keep in school.


The next step is reliable internet.  Evenin these remote villages we have the capability to obtain internet access forthe teachers and children.  Here is where the transformation becomes exponential.  Presently you have 25 to 30 children sharing a workbook.  In our interviews with children and teachers one of the biggest reasons the kids stop going to school is lack of interest. Imagine if these children have the same internet access as you or I. Not only is their education transformed but then it opens their local economies to the world economy. Some smart kids are going to figure out how to sell local products orstart a business with the amazing capability of the internet.  Over lastyear that technology has made huge advances.


There are companies, such as Starlink (aSpaceX company), and other competitors launching satellites into space to provide internet access to remote areas of the world.  The technology is ramping up rapidly and we are excited for the opportunities.  Our strategies involve more than just dumping money into places that does no good, but rather empowering underserved communities through education to change their world. To give an example of the progress of this technology, theUkrainians are using satellite internet to defend their country against theRussians because all of their regular internet infrastructure has been destroyed.  Without satellite internet, they would not be able to defend themselves.


Another huge focus is keeping the girls inschool. Once the girls hit their menstrual period they bleed and have no underwear or sanitary products to stop the bleeding. Embarrassment forces them to drop out, and they start having babies at such a young age. This vicious cycle must be broken. Keeping the girls in school is so critical. Strategies such as silicone menstrual cups that last up to ten years and other measures as simple as building separate girls’ outhouses stops the early dropout rates.


Now, here is a brief update on progress that is moving forward because of your donations. 


We finished the primary school renovation in Tembwe Village.  We installed solar in the Yambe Secondary School (high school), built a computer room and outfitted the school with 11 laptop computers.  We have built a brand new secondary school in the Tembwe Village made possible by donations from you in cooperation with the Chiefs of the village who donated about 4 acres of land for the school. 


When we visit in July, we will finish the secondary school and be installing solar and electrical. During our visit we will be observing what strategies work and do not work and adapt our strategies accordingly. We will also be bringing 20 laptop computers for the new high school and for the Yambe secondary school.


To bring this out to a larger scale we are trying to obtain funding from major corporations.  We have had some interest from Amazon and hope to get traction with other companies. To be sure, these strategies can be brought to disadvantaged countries throughout the world.


Please help us and below is a link for donations.


Even if you are not in a position to donate, please forward this email to anyone that has interest in moving our projects forward either through contacts or ideas. 


Thank you and God Bless!


With love and gratitude,
